What's with Bill O'Reilly? He's abandoned the War on Christmas story. For a few years running it was the most important story to hit the airwaves, at least on Fox TV, during December. The faith of our fathers hung in the balance. Why has he given up?
I'll tell you why. He's lost the stomach to cover it. There's too much horror, too much brutality, too much death for faux tough guy O'Reilly to take.
Or maybe times have changed and people just don't get off on being self-righteous and angry anymore. In 2005 Republicans stormed into town to make the personal case of Terry Schiavo their cause. Boy did they misread the public. Instead of whipping the dufist masses into a blind frenzy of outrage, the people said, "Back off, let the family have their peace and privacy." In 2008, people opted for hope over anger because maybe, just maybe, America recognizes a need to be even-tempered. Even the most angry, snarling punk grows up and mellows out.
Let it go! Let go of the anger! Good job -- it's healthy to let it go! And thanks for sharing Christmas and America with us again.